How to Start a Competitive Intel Program with Grow + Scale

Dejan Gajsek
Dejan Gajsek
April 2, 2023

How to Start a Competitive Intel Program with Grow + Scale

Competing in the cut-throat B2B technology market is a challenge, as your competitors are continually improving their products. Even if you were winning the acquisition game before, your rivals are already nipping at your heels and vying for a bigger share of the market.  

As a VP/Senior Manager of Product, you are trying to stay ahead at all times. It’s your job to make strategic decisions and set your organization for success. Your teams, from sales, marketing, product, and customer service, work hard to create collateral with the hope to enable and satisfy your users. All this work has to be congruent with your company’s mission and core beliefs. It’s not an easy task to do and for some managers the process is often tactical and ad-hoc, making it difficult to scale.

Imagine a scalable competitive intelligence program that can be replicated across your product tracks. To pilot such a project you will not only gain a seat at the strategic table and work closely with decision-makers in your company, but set it up for long-term success.

How about developing efficient win/loss programs that provide actionable insights instead of mere data, and creating tailored battlecards for your biggest competitors? This way your sales teams will win and retain those big deals. 

At Grow + Scale, we are here to meet you where you are. 

The CI Program Foundation

If you're just starting a competitive intelligence program, we'll help you get it off the ground. Meet our  CI Program Foundation. 

This includes: 

  • We’ll set goals and KPIs to help you track success and prove the value of CI program.
  • We'll  establish fundamental processes for collecting and communicating intelligence data.
  • We'll provide internal enablement collateral which includes a compete playbook, battlecards, and comparison spreadsheets for your biggest competitors.
  • We'll also help you establish a win/loss program. You’ll get interview questions, insight templates, and competitive customer story templates making sure that we can distill the right information from sales teams.
  • You’ll get a built-out collateral management library with all assets you need for quick assets for you or your team. 
  • Internal Private Community Support System.  We’ll set up a deal support system for internal stakeholders to work on the biggest priority items that continues to run a winning strategy for your organization.

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The CI Flywheel

Are you already running compete programs but it feels like it’s not being utilized to its full potential? Or perhaps you are seeing early signs of progress and you want to scale it internally to really make an impact.

In that case, you’ll love the CI Flywheel program. 

The CI Flywheel program will help you scale your competitive intelligence efforts. The program is aimed at tech enterprises and B2B tech companies who already have competitive intelligence programs but they want to scale across their products and other departments.

You’ll receive everything from the CI Program Foundation plus you’ll have additional support from our team. 
Every week
, we will include intelligence newsletters about your competition with clear insights. You’ll have access to an on-demand support and offload your findings which gets sorted, organized, and re-used for an updated content management library. 

Every quarter, we’ll update and refresh playbooks, KPIs, and collateral, as well as tech product teardowns of your competitors.

Working with Grow + Scale

Ready to take your CI program to the next level? Here’s a breakdown of our first two months together:

In the first month, we'll work with you and measure your baseline KPIs. We'll set up a newsletter and a deal support system with a Slack channel for free transfer of collateral and insights, and a library management base for your repository of assets. 

In the second month, we'll establish the foundations of your win/loss program, including interviews, templates, and a complete playbook for one of your competitors.

By working with us, you'll gain the foundations for running a successful competitive intelligence program, including a rolled-out win/loss analysis and a support channel for your CI efforts. 

All of the above is delivered in strict, secure ways. We only work with one client in the tech industry because of our non-compete agreements. 

Interested in how we can help you succeed in a highly competitive market?

Book a call with us today.

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